about cch

Critical Chinese Humanities (CCH) encourages innovative and critical approaches to the study of Chinese humanities across established disciplinary, temporal, and regional boundaries. It seeks to open up a space for the exchange of ideas and methods to deepen our understanding of China, its past, present, and future, in critical dialogue with other parts of the world. We are interested in new modes of inquiry, cutting-edge research, and new methods informed by textual rigor and deep histories. Speakers in the CCH colloquium series in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at Columbia University are invited to share their current research on any aspect of Chinese literature and culture, ancient or modern, with the Columbia community and the general public.

The CCH colloquium series is made possible by the Huang/Lin Fund and the Lian/Nie Fund.

Lu Kou

Faculty Coordinator


Peter Yuanxi Chen

Graduate Assistant
